Sometime in late 2014, I sat down with Chey Ataria (skate legend and bossman for Def) and he asked if I'd be interested in doing a capsule collection with them. Instead of just doing regular merch like I'd done in the past we talked about doing stuff that was a bit more esoteric, drawing on references from my past, and things that held meaning to me. A more personal/less commercial collection.

I got my bro Sheahan on the case and we went to work coming up with a range. Once we had the designs, we made a lookbook that Chey could show to retailers so we could decide what would get made, after all noone wants to be in the business of making stuff that doesn't get sold. As we'd been forewarned, the retailers weren't into most of the designs and preferred the straight forward stuff like tees that just said Dallas & had a Def logo etc - it was understandable.

But after going through the whole design process, I'd become really attached to the range and told Chey I'd just make the stuff anyway and pay for it myself. I figured even though it wouldn't be in stores, I could probably sell it at shows and online and all would be good...  this was early 2015

Things came up - I got married, the album ended up taking way longer to finish than I thought it would,  I didn't know what to do for an online store, and there just never seemed to be an appropriate time or reason to be "dropping a clothing range". Especially when I hadn't put out new music in so long. 

Over the years people who've caught a show or been to Shenanigan might have noticed my friends and I wearing samples from this range that never got released, til now. Shop HERE